Take the First Step in achieving your goals.

Want to come
to Australia?

in Australia?

Why StudyLink Group?


We support you while you find your passion.


We keep you safe and ensure you enjoy your stay.


We are trusted by many in providing quality education consultancy and services.

Ready to explore a
world of opportunities?

StudyLink Group is your one-stop educational organisation dedicated to providing the advocacy and counselling you need to study, work and live abroad in Australia!

With over 10 years of experience in the education and consultancy field both locally and overseas, our team will ensure you’re looked after, cared for and supported through your Australian journey of a lifetime.

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Refer your friends to us for their student visa process.
Once their application is successful, you will earn $150 AUD!

Our students share their stories

Get in touch

Have a question you need to ask about staying in Australia? We’re open to answering all your queries, free of charge. Contact us today, and we’ll aim to connect with you straight away.